­Cryptocurrency exchange 50X
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How do I sign up for an exchange?

 1. Go to 50x.сom 

2. Go to the registration page by clicking the TRADING button 

3. Enter your Email, make up and enter a complex Password, save these login details so you don't lose them. 

Password requirements: - no shorter than 6 characters (12 is better, and 20 is even better, but never use dictionary words) - can only contain Latin letters, numbers and special characters - must contain at least one letter in upper case 

💥 Enter 32380 in the PROMOCODE box and after registration you will receive (increased) 350 A2A tokens, which can be used only to pay any commissions on the exchange and are credited to a special bonus account A2A(😎 

4. Further the Email confirmation window will be opened, and the Email confirmation code will be sent to the specified mailbox (if the letter is not in your inbox, check your Spam folder, maybe for some reason it is there) 

5. Copy the code from the letter, paste it into the window and press Confirm button to finish registration.After confirmation you will be automatically logged in to your account. Later on you will be able to sign in with your email and password by pressing the Sign in button in the menu 

P.S.: You will also need to enter the 6-digit code from the Goggle Authenticator app when signing into your account with 2FA enabled 

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