Cryptocurrency exchange 50X
To participate in it, you only need to enter your Ethereum wallet on the page
Whenever someone clicks on a 50x50 link, our system generates a session for the user who went through that link. And even if the user leaves and comes back after a couple of months, gets acquainted with the website and later registers and starts trading on the exchange, you will be paid a reward.
How can you get a 50x50 reward?
- Enter the number of your wallet and click to check the balance.
-Press the button WITHDRAW. This button is visible if your balance is greater than 0.01 ETH.
The entire amount will be transferred to your wallet specified during registration within one day.
You do not need to have A2A tokens to participate in the 50x50 program.
You do not need to register on the exchange.
Just enter your wallet number, get your link and distribute it. Post a 50x50 link and informative comments where necessary.
At 50x50 you can receive:
- 25% -40% of the fees attracted by your users.
- 25% of the revenue attracted users in the program 50x50.
The amount of remuneration is unlimited. The more you recommend, the more you get.
You can not use your referral link for self-purchase of tokens of the project